Ready to book Allison?It's Easy.
Your e-Mail (required) *We never share your email address with anyone
1. First Name (required)
2. Last Name (required)
3. Company Name (required)
4. How long have you been with the company/describe your role? (required)
5. Who is your audience when you present? (required)
6. What type of visuals do you use? (required)
7. How do you typically open and close presentations? (required)
8. Do you include time for questions & answers? (required) Not too oftenSometimesAlways
9. Do you feel like you are organized before you make a presentation? (required) RarelySomewhatAbsolutely
10. Do you practice before you deliver? (required) RarelySomewhatAbsolutely
11. How effective do you think your body language and tone is?(required)
12. Why do you think you keep people's interest when talking? (required)
13. Do you use lots of notes to present? (required) YesNo
14. Do you feel like you motivate your listeners to take action? (required) YesNo
15. What changes would you like to see as a result of this coaching experience (required)
16. Have you ever been video taped before presenting? (required) YesNo
17. What impression do you leave on people?(required)
18. What speaker do you admire the most and why? (required)
19. What are your communications skill strengths? (required)
20. What would make this coaching experience a success for you?(required)
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